The Swap-out Operation within the Nexus Yield Module (NYM) of the Satoshi Protocol allows users to convert satUSD back into other stablecoins or supported assets like USDT or USDC.
Please note that the Swap-out process includes a pending period before the assets can be withdrawn.
Key Steps:
Define satUSD Amount:
The amount of satUSD to be swapped out is defined and converted into the correct units using parseUnits.
Preview the Swap-out:
The getPreviewSwapOut function simulates the swap-out operation, providing details about the expected asset amount to be received and the associated fee.
Execute the Swap-out:
The doNymSwapOut method is called to execute the swap-out transaction, converting the specified amount of $satUSD back into the target asset.
Example Code
import { parseUnits } from 'viem';
import { walletClient, publicClient, protocolConfig, collateral, DEBT_TOKEN_DECIMALS } from 'satoshi-sdk';
// Example usage:
doSwapIn('USDT', 1)
.then((receipt) => console.log('Swap-out completed:', receipt))
.catch((error) => console.error('Error during swap-out:', error));
async function doSwapOut(assetSymbol: string, amount: number) {
// Initialize the SatoshiClient with protocol and wallet configurations
const satoshiClient = new SatoshiClient(protocolConfig, walletClient);
const asset = (satoshiClient.NexusYieldModule.getAssetList()).find(t => t.symbol === assetSymbol)!;
// Fetch the current SAT balance before the swap
const satBalanceBefore = await getBalanceOf(debtAddress);
// Define the amount of SAT to swap out, converting to the appropriate units
const satAmount = parseUnits(amount.toString(), DEBT_TOKEN_DECIMALS);
// Preview the swap-out to get information on the expected asset amount and fees
const previewSwapOut = await satoshiClient.NexusYieldModule.getPreviewSwapOut(asset.address, satAmount);
const expectedReceiveAssetAmt = Number(previewSwapOut?.assetAmount); // Asset amount expected to be received
// Execute the swap-out operation
const receipt = await satoshiClient.NexusYieldModule.doNymSwapOut(asset.address, satAmount);
// Fetch the SAT balance after the swap to validate the amount swapped out
const satBalanceAfter = await getBalanceOf(debtAddress);
// Confirm that the swap was successful
if (receipt.status !== 'success') {
throw new Error('Swap-out transaction failed.');
// Validate that the SAT balance decreased by the amount swapped out
const swappedAmount = satBalanceBefore - satBalanceAfter;
if (swappedAmount !== satAmount) {
throw new Error(`Balance mismatch: expected to swap out ${satAmount}, but got ${swappedAmount}`);
console.log('Swap-out was successful:', receipt);
return receipt;